Friday 14 September 2012

welcome everyone

Welcome everyone!

As a sweet tooth, myself, have been quite 'trying' to create a blog especially to show people what I do best which, baking and also eating them of course. So this is it, Abah and all my family. The one who push me to the edge of the world in desperate attempt to make me a useful being in this world by being myself and do what I do best. Thank you.

 This blog is published to fulfil all your craving and desire toward sweet treat, in this case COOKIES!! By taking advantages of my skills on baking together with my norm in decorating or 'creativity', the blog entries will be fully packed with sweet creation of cookies and treat to record all the hard work and passion I put on  this cookies. You can enjoy this sweet treat not just by looking at them through your screen but I also will be opening order for the cookies and all request or ideas will be listen. Fell free to ask or order of course

And thank you for checking out my blog!! Have a great day and enjoy feasting your eyes!! =)

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